A young boy (PDD-NOS) writes about whatever comes to his mind. Sometimes he writes it himself, and sometimes he dictates to his mother. He began his blog at the age of eight.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
the review on where the wild things are
where the wild things are should be rated w for wiered and should be rated tr for tree vilonce because they hurt each other and they are mean to each other so do not see this movie here is a photo
My name is Little Wolf. This is my blog. I will show you pictures, videos and tell you stories. I love Big Foot or a Sasquatch as some would tell, or Yetti. I also love little mummies, comic book heros and Star Wars.
It's a bad movie? Aww, I was going to go see it!
Well thats just life Allison and believe me it is a bad movie.
From Little Z WOlf
you're right, that's life... I'll save my money for a better movie.
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