Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Ghosts

How would you like to speak to a ghost? Through a priest or telepathically? Well, I would like to have my Uncle David back and my Aunt Tauna, but you can't have everything you know. But that doesn't apply to me. Because I can always call priests to bring those spirits to my house. Then I can have those spirits roaming around and floating around and they can do anything they want. Uncle David can even have his cane back. They are good spirits because they are what they are. Uncle David will be so proud of me for using his juicer and proud of Dad for using his clock radio. I'm gonna take him wherever I go. I am going to take him to college. Talia will take Aunt Tauna, because she's a girl and Uncle David is a boy.

Ghosts are innocent because ghosts are new to this world and have a reason for being here, don't you think that? A ghost is just like you, but it's white and you just can't see them. If you can't see them with your eyes and you can't feel them you can always just be able to walk with them. Ghosts are friendly. Forget the music at the link below-- it's scary. I hope you like it:

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